Master the goal setting skills that are never truly taught in school but are key to all major achievements. Set goals and actually accomplish them in 9 weeks with this science-backed and research-proven online course, or it's free.
An online personal development course that is designed to improve your skill level in the mastery of all 9 core goal setting skills.
Dichotomy of Control
The first thing you want to avoid in successful goal setting is to set the wrong goals. In this lesson you will learn why and how to set the right goals. You will learn a key factor why we are not achieving our goals. The lesson will help explore the philosophy "dichotomy of control" and how to apply it to your goal setting. You will understand the difference between internal and external goals. You will also learn a unique goal internalization process and how to use it to drastically improve your chance at achieving goals. You will learn a few real-world success stories where this goal philosophy is practiced, and why it is so successful.
5-Step Formula to Lasting Goal Success
Every goal achievement requires some changes in ourselves to some extent. In this lesson you will understand and learn how to make real and lasting changes to successfully go through a goal journey till its ultimate success. You will learn and master a scientifically proven 5-step change formula for making behavior changes required by your goal. The lesson contains many practical examples and implementation guidelines.
The Secret to Failure-proof Goal Planning
Good planning is half the battle won. In this lesson, you will learn research-based and uniquely useful goal planning methods that can help you stick to your goals without relying so much on willpower and motivation. This planning technique will help you detect goal derailing situations and direct your successful behavior without conscious effort. Many sample goals and practical plans are provided in this lesson.
How to Effortlessly Stick to Your Goal
If you can stick to your goal no matter what, then your success is guaranteed. In this lesson, you will be taught how to use habits and routines to design a follow-through system for your goal, and how to set your goal success on autopilot even when setbacks or frustrations set in. You will learn science-based strategies on how to bounce back and keep pressing on when you are off course.
The Power of Grit and Perseverance
The accomplishment of any long-term goal is the true test of your perseverance trait. In this lesson, you will learn deeply researched insights on why grit and perseverance are the keys to your ultimate success in reaching big or long-term goals. You will learn methods for motivating yourself and growing your "grit" muscles. You'll know when and how to persevere in the right way, and master the skills for maintaining an unswerving dedication to the success of your goal.
The Art and Power of Patience
Any significant achievement requires patience, a willingness to delay gratification. In this lesson, you will understand why patience is sometimes your best weapon to attack your goal. You will learn how to embrace boredom and transform it into fuel for your goal. You will learn the daily rituals and techniques used routinely by successful people on how to make long-term goal pursuit an easier and more sustainable process.
The Joy of Flow
The ultimate end of most goals we pursue is always some form of happiness. In this lesson, you will learn how to create more joy from pursuing your goal and how to design your goal-achieving efforts as a natural flow-inducing process. You will learn the optimal experience theory (Flow) and how to apply it to not only achieve your goals but also help you enjoy the journey more.
What Gets Measured Gets Done
Tracking your goal progress has a direct correlation with the success in goal attainment. In this lesson, you will learn how to design measures for your goals. You will understand what types of metrics work best for which kind of goals. You will also learn how to use multiple measures to not only increase your productivity but also boost your motivation.
Make Your Own Luck
Luck will play a much bigger role in your success as your goal becomes higher and harder to reach. In this lesson, you will gain insights into why the luck factor is so important in attaining big goals. Through many scientific studies on luck, you will learn why some people always seem more successful than others, and why you may have more luck in achieving some of your goals but not others. After doing the exercises and applying the techniques you learn from this lesson, you will know how to design your action plans, behavior patterns and mental attitudes to increase your own luck factor in any goals you want to accomplish.
The Magic of Thinking Big
No one accomplishes more than he or she sets out to accomplish. After going through all the previous lessons (not before), now it's time to go big and shoot for the moon. In this lesson you will learn how to build confidence and destroy fear in achieving anything you want in life. You will understand why thinking big has a direct correlation to making it big. You will learn how to take what you have learned from all the other goal mastery lessons in this course and apply them in your life as a congruent goal accomplishment system.
Understand the underlying science and principles behind successful goal setting. Master the powerful goal-achieving skills that most people are lacking. Become a high achiever and accomplish goals you could never achieve before.
Gain knowledge on how happiness and success are interrelated. Learn how to set and reach goals that bring both success and happiness. Master the skill to achieve success and happiness even when you don't reach your goal.
Learn how to pursue goals to become more succesful in both life and work. Understand how to use goal-setting to improve your life and leverage personal growth to achieve more goals.
You probably already know that goal setting is important. It's one common trait shared by all successful people who have accomplished great things in many fields.
According to studies, when people set goals, business owners make more profit, employees get larger raises, professors get tenure faster, even students learn up to 250% faster when goals are set for them far, far more than if they are merely told to 'do their best.'
Yet you may also know that even though we set goals, not all of us succeed in achieving them. According to a study conducted by the University of Scranton, just 8 percent of people achieve their New Year goals, while around 80 percent fail to keep their New Year resolutions. Maybe you are one of those who routinely failed to achieve some of the goals you set. I know I was.
If goal setting is so important and is supposed to make us better, why do so many of us fail?
Internet is full of articles telling you why you are not achieving your goals. But beyond all the buzz and noises, there is a fundamental reason why people are not successful with their goals. And the reason is simply that goal setting is a skill and most people are poor at it.
Goal setting is one of the key life meta-skills that apply broadly to a wide set of problems or help you acquire other more specific skills. Just like how important mastering math is to become successful in all kinds of sciences, with a strong mastery of goal-setting skills, you will be more effective and efficient in achieving goals of many different kinds and in many different life areas.
Unfortunately, most people have never truly learned the art and science of goal setting. As a result, they don't know how to get what they want – whether it's an A in Biology, a new job or a smaller jean size. Goal setting is a learned skill – not something we just inherently know how to do. Nobody was born with it.
To become a high achiever in life, goal setting is one of the most important skills you should master. If you want your dreams or desires to become reality, you must master this meta-skill.
Goal setting is not just one single skill, but rather a set of core skills working together for you to achieve a certain goal. You may be naturally good at some of these skills, but to really improve your overall goal setting success rate, you must learn to master all of these sub-skills.
Here is a list of the top 9 skills that are most critical for achieving any type of goal in work, business, and personal life.
Know when and how to set goals of the right kind such as internal/external goals, process/outcome goals, etc.
Understand how to manage the stages people go through to make positive changes that last.
Know how to design and implement planning strategies that work best for different kind of goals.
Follow your plan and stick to it and know when and how to get back on track when facing setbacks and frustrations.
Make the right use of willpower yet not totally rely on it to stay on the course until the goal is reached.
Cultivate the virtue of patience to help you become a more resilient person when the going gets tough.
Learn to enjoy the journey and make the process flow to stay in the game for the long haul.
Know how to track progress and make process tracking a central indicator of how you are doing on your goals.
Understand the luck factor in your success and know how to increase your luck to reach your goals faster.
Any improvement in any of these 9 skills will give you a big boost in achieving more success with your goals. Any weakness in any of these skills will easily derail you from achieving your dream goal.
None of these skills are difficult to learn. It's not that hard. But you do need to put in the time and effort to learn, and then practice. Over time you'll get better and better at these core goal setting skills. Then you will be able to approach any goal with ease and confidence and have a greater chance at achieving it.
Goal Mastery Academy program, which is an online personal development course that is designed to improve your skill level in the mastery of all 9 core goal setting skills.
What this course teaches is not the usual superficial stuff that you can easily find in articles and blog posts all over the Internet, but rather in-depth research and studies, detailed knowledge, thorough explanations and also with practical and real-world implementation guides.
If you read a lot of the stuff that’s written on goal-setting, it usually contains the same, wrong-headed advice:
On paper that looks simple, but implementing it can be anything but.
But this course will give you all of those detailed answers and show you exactly how you can apply them in your goal setting process. Unlike other courses on goal setting, which may teach you a few things based on the authors personal experiences, all the content in this course is entirely evidence-based and backed by science.
All the advice and strategies taught in the course have already worked for thousands of people and even hundreds of years. So if it works for everyone else, it should also work for you.
Here is what the past students said about this course.
Why I Created This Course
Goal setting is such a critical life skill that I wish I'd learned it well decades ago. It took me more than 20 years to learn, practice and experiment with what works and what doesn't, for myself and others. I've read and researched over 80 major works on personal development and goal achievement. Over the years, I've accomplished more than 260 goals, big and small (I documented my goal journeys in GoalsOnTrack). There's so much science and research behind goal setting in recent years. Missing out on this valuable body of knowledge and wisdom is truly a loss to all of us who want to achieve great goals and live a more successful life. That's why I created this course so that you don't have to let years go by without proper training in goal setting. This course has the best information and most practical advice you can use to help your goal-setting journey. Hope you will enjoy and benefit from the course as much as I created it.
Course Creator
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